1. Desperate Remoaners Beg Their EU Masters To Delay Brexit That Could Cost £4.6 Trillion

    Desperate Remoaners Beg Their EU Masters To Delay Brexit That Could Cost £4.6 Trillion

  2. The North - South Divide Within The EU Gets Wider & Reports Claim Germany Profits From Bailouts

    The North - South Divide Within The EU Gets Wider & Reports Claim Germany Profits From Bailouts

  3. Lord Sumption Destroys Shameful UK Police Force & Calls Out Fear Mongering Media On The BBC

    Lord Sumption Destroys Shameful UK Police Force & Calls Out Fear Mongering Media On The BBC

  4. Countless Brits Unemployed, The Guardian & UK Charities Want To Charter Flights For EU Farm Workers

    Countless Brits Unemployed, The Guardian & UK Charities Want To Charter Flights For EU Farm Workers

  5. Labour's Hard Left Has Enacted A Scorched Earth Policy That Could End It

    Labour's Hard Left Has Enacted A Scorched Earth Policy That Could End It

  6. The BBC Shows Why It Is Called The Biased Broadcasting Corporation During Daily Briefing

    The BBC Shows Why It Is Called The Biased Broadcasting Corporation During Daily Briefing

  7. The UK Border Force Continue Their Migrant Ferry Service

    The UK Border Force Continue Their Migrant Ferry Service

  8. The People Of Europe Are Rising Up Against The EU & Incompetent Governments

    The People Of Europe Are Rising Up Against The EU & Incompetent Governments

  9. Race Baiting Metro Reporter Attempts To Shift The Pakistani Grooming Gang Blame Onto White Men

    Race Baiting Metro Reporter Attempts To Shift The Pakistani Grooming Gang Blame Onto White Men

  10. Desperate Money Hungry EU Takes Legal Action Against The UK

    Desperate Money Hungry EU Takes Legal Action Against The UK

  11. UK Professor Who Did His Research Rubbishes UN Race Baiter's Corona virus Claims On BBC News

    UK Professor Who Did His Research Rubbishes UN Race Baiter's Corona virus Claims On BBC News

  12. Priti Patel Waffles About Ending Free Movement As Boats Land In The UK Daily

    Priti Patel Waffles About Ending Free Movement As Boats Land In The UK Daily

  13. Euro Zone Crisis Has Member States Threatening To Cut Member States Out Of Deals & Go Their Own Way

    Euro Zone Crisis Has Member States Threatening To Cut Member States Out Of Deals & Go Their Own Way

  14. Corbyn's Final Act As Leader Is To Commission Report Blaming Everyone But Himself for His Failures

    Corbyn's Final Act As Leader Is To Commission Report Blaming Everyone But Himself for His Failures

  15. Heathrow Bosses Complain About 90% Drop In Passengers During Lock Down

    Heathrow Bosses Complain About 90% Drop In Passengers During Lock Down

  16. Brits Stay At Home While We Fly In European Farm Workers

    Brits Stay At Home While We Fly In European Farm Workers

  17. Salty Remainers Devastated By Claims WTO Brexit Would Help The UK

    Salty Remainers Devastated By Claims WTO Brexit Would Help The UK
