Wo With Bo (Part 9) | Bo Polny Bitcoin At $400? Why Did Michigan's Whitmer Ban Buying Paint & Seeds to Stop the Coronavirus? Is the U.S. Gov Attempting to Destroy the U.S. Economic System Through Hyperinflation to Stop Inflation? Ice Is Back?!
BRICS & CBDCs | Are Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa Going to Introduce a Gold-Backed Reserve Currency? "If This Happens It Will Be the Biggest Wealth Transfer In the History of the World." Kevin DeMeritt - CEO of LEAR Capital
Pastor Dave Scarlett | Why Is Elon Musk Calling for a Carbon Tax? Invasion | "Immigration Is Not Going to Stop, An Unrelenting Stream of Immigration, Non-Stop, Non-Stop." - Vice President, Joe Biden (February 17th 2015)
Gold | “If we had a dollar crisis, gold would have to go up 19X to match the price level it was at in 1980 relative to foreign treasuries outstanding ($42K). 3x to 6x, that’s just getting back to long-term avg.” - Luke Gromen
Pastor Greg Locke | Why Did the World Economic Forum Bring a Witch Doctor to the 2024 Meeting? Why Is the WEF, CERN, GAVI, the WHO & United Nations Located In Geneva, Switzerland? Rev 9:11. Rev 2:13, Rev 11, 1st Thess 4 & New World Order
Witch Doctor At the WEF? | Pastor Benjamin Discusses: New World Order Agenda, Ecocide + "We Are On the Way to A New Order, So We Are Between Orders." - Børge Brende & Jake Sullivan, U.S. National Security Advisor (Jan. 16 2024)
World Economic Forum 2024 | "It's Laughable That You Or Anyone Would Describe DAVOS As Protecting Democracy...President Trump Is Going to Take On the Power of the Elites." - President of the Heritage Foundation, Kevin Roberts
Witch Doctor | Witch Doctor At the 2024 World Economic Forum? + World Economic Forum 2024 Highlights Including: Disease X, New World Order, The Next Pandemic, AI Can Shrink the Time It Takes to Get That Vaccine to a Month, We Owned the News
Peter Navarro | Navarro Sentenced to 4 Months In Prison As a Political Prisoner!!! | One of the Chief Architects of the TRUMP Administration's Economy & the Man Who Stood Up to Fauci & China Has Been Sentenced to 4 Months In Prison!!!
Ebola | "Denver Health Paramedics, Doctors & Nurses Have Just Been Vaccinated with a LIVE Ebola Vaccine. Why Would They Be Doing That? There Is a Lab Being Created Down the Street from Denver." - Dr. Richard Bartlett
Yuval Noah Harari | SHOCKER!!! BREAKING NEWS!!! THIS JUST IN!!! "I Met My Husband Online More Than 20 Years In One of the First Dating Sites for Gay People In Israel." - Yuval Noah Harari
General Flynn & Peter Navarro | The Unprecedented Persecution Patriots Increases: Jury Finds Trump Must Pay $83.3 M to Carroll + Navarro Sentenced to 4 months In Prison + UAE & China Conduct 1st Trade Using mBridge CBDC Platform
BRICS | BRICS Summit 2024 | BRICS PAY | "The Days of the U.S. Financial Dominance May Be Numbered." - Clayton Morris (10/6/2024) + "The Russians Said It's (New BRICS Currency) Going to Be Gold Backed." - Steve Bannon
The Fourth Industrial Revolution | What Is the "Great Reset" & "Fourth Industrial Revolution" Agenda? "Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution." - Joe Biden (2016 World Economic Fourth) + Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Dr. Stella Discusses: The Tower of the Babel, Nephilim 2.0, Famines, Transhumanism, Larry King, Schwarzenegger, William Shatner, Mark of the Beast, Eternal Life & "What Kind of Gods Will We Be?" - Yuval Noah Harari
Transhumanism | Yuval Noah Harari, Klaus Schwab & the Self-Proclaimed Elites Are Trying to Upgrade Themselves Into Gods & Gain Immortality | "You Need Completely New Religions. They Are Likely Give People Eternal Life." - Yuval Noah Hara
Invasion | "Immigration Is Not Going to Stop, Nor Should We Want It To Stop. There Is a Second Thing In that Black Box, An Unrelenting Stream of Immigration, Non-Stop, Non-Stop." - Vice President, Joe Biden (February 17th 2015)
CBDCs | "Australia Is Slowly Shifting to Be Cash Free. Economists Say A Cashless Society Will Hurt Criminals On the Black Market." - September 23rd 2023 (Sky News) + "BRICS Group Is Set to Introduce A New Currency Backed By Gold." - RT