1. TiHYDP Mega Man 9 - Death Ed. - DSP Wage Quits MegaMan 9 After 4 Deaths #DSPWageQuit #DSP #beggaman

    TiHYDP Mega Man 9 - Death Ed. - DSP Wage Quits MegaMan 9 After 4 Deaths #DSPWageQuit #DSP #beggaman

  2. This is How You DON'T Play Rise of the Tomb Raider - Death & Error Edition - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 145

    This is How You DON'T Play Rise of the Tomb Raider - Death & Error Edition - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 145

  3. This is How You DON'T Play Toy Story 2 - Death, Reload, Rewind, & Races Edition - KingDDDuke 176

    This is How You DON'T Play Toy Story 2 - Death, Reload, Rewind, & Races Edition - KingDDDuke 176

  4. This is How You DON'T Play Rare Replay - KingDDDuke TiHYDPC #2

    This is How You DON'T Play Rare Replay - KingDDDuke TiHYDPC #2

  5. This is How You DON'T Play Pizza Tower - Death Edition - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 222

    This is How You DON'T Play Pizza Tower - Death Edition - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 222

  6. This is How You DON'T Play Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta - Death & Error - KingDDDuke TiHYDP 210

    This is How You DON'T Play Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta - Death & Error - KingDDDuke TiHYDP 210

  7. This is How You DON'T Play Far Cry 5 Death Ed. - KingDDDuke TiHYDP DSP

    This is How You DON'T Play Far Cry 5 Death Ed. - KingDDDuke TiHYDP DSP

  8. TIHYDP Dark Souls 3 DLC: Ashes of Ariandel - Death Ed - KingDDDuke This is How You DON'T Play 226

    TIHYDP Dark Souls 3 DLC: Ashes of Ariandel - Death Ed - KingDDDuke This is How You DON'T Play 226

  9. This is How You DON'T Play Far Cry Primal - Death & Quit - KingDDDuke TiHYDP #

    This is How You DON'T Play Far Cry Primal - Death & Quit - KingDDDuke TiHYDP #

  10. #TiHYDP Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine - Defeat Ed - KingDDDuke #DrRobotniksMeanBeanMachine #Sega

    #TiHYDP Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine - Defeat Ed - KingDDDuke #DrRobotniksMeanBeanMachine #Sega

  11. This is How You DON'T Play Sonic X Shadow Generations - Death, Retry, & Fail - KingDDDuke TiHYDP 276

    This is How You DON'T Play Sonic X Shadow Generations - Death, Retry, & Fail - KingDDDuke TiHYDP 276

  12. This is How You DON'T Play SSX - Death, Wipeout, Rewind, Restart, Quit, & Failure -KingDDDuke # 193

    This is How You DON'T Play SSX - Death, Wipeout, Rewind, Restart, Quit, & Failure -KingDDDuke # 193

  13. This is How You DON'T Play Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - Death & Quit Edition - KingDDDuke - TiHYDP #88

    This is How You DON'T Play Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty - Death & Quit Edition - KingDDDuke - TiHYDP #88

  14. This is How You DON'T Play Pokemon Legends Arceus - KingDDDuke - TiHYDP #24

    This is How You DON'T Play Pokemon Legends Arceus - KingDDDuke - TiHYDP #24

  15. This is How You DON'T Play Mirror's Edge (2022) - Death Edition - KingDDDuke TiHYDP 196

    This is How You DON'T Play Mirror's Edge (2022) - Death Edition - KingDDDuke TiHYDP 196

  16. This is How You DON'T Play Mirror's Edge Catalyst - Death, Failure, & Error - KingDDDuke TiHYDP 195

    This is How You DON'T Play Mirror's Edge Catalyst - Death, Failure, & Error - KingDDDuke TiHYDP 195

  17. Sep 05, 2010 - How NOT to Play Indie Games with DSP & John Rambo Vol. 1 - KingDDDuke TiHYDPC #5

    Sep 05, 2010 - How NOT to Play Indie Games with DSP & John Rambo Vol. 1 - KingDDDuke TiHYDPC #5

  18. Mar 08, 2014 - How NOT to Play Indie Games with DSP & John Rambo Vol. 6 - KingDDDuke TiHYDPC #10

    Mar 08, 2014 - How NOT to Play Indie Games with DSP & John Rambo Vol. 6 - KingDDDuke TiHYDPC #10

  19. Jan 19, 2013 - How NOT to Play Indie Games with DSP & John Rambo Vol. 2 - KingDDDuke TiHYDPC #6

    Jan 19, 2013 - How NOT to Play Indie Games with DSP & John Rambo Vol. 2 - KingDDDuke TiHYDPC #6

  20. Feb 23, 2013 - How NOT to Play Indie Games with DSP & John Rambo Vol. 3 - KingDDDuke TiHYDPC #7

    Feb 23, 2013 - How NOT to Play Indie Games with DSP & John Rambo Vol. 3 - KingDDDuke TiHYDPC #7

  21. This is How You DON'T Play Decay Part 1 - RAGE QUIT - DSP & John Rambo - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 159

    This is How You DON'T Play Decay Part 1 - RAGE QUIT - DSP & John Rambo - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 159

  22. Extended TiHYDP Elden Ring (2022) - The First Run - KingDDDuke This is How You DON'T Play Alter Cut

    Extended TiHYDP Elden Ring (2022) - The First Run - KingDDDuke This is How You DON'T Play Alter Cut

  23. This is How You DON'T Play Mega Man 2 (2025) - Death Edition - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 291

    This is How You DON'T Play Mega Man 2 (2025) - Death Edition - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 291

  24. This is How You DON'T Play Apex Legends - Death Edition - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 275

    This is How You DON'T Play Apex Legends - Death Edition - KingDDDuke TiHYDP # 275
