Chief Corn Planter in the 1800s Worked with the Iroquois to Give Land to the Government, Why Did Robert H. Treman Buy it Only to Give it Back? Why Did it Need to Change Hands?
Tammy Rief interview, Cathy Fox Blog, Marion & Patreon Subscribers + Letters from Schools to Parents about Covid regarding the ability to remove Children from the Parents' Custody if They Have Tested Positive
Witch Battles & Training Partner's Protector Battle Against Chief of Police, Took Place at Neuschwanstein (Real Mothers of Darkness Castle), GHPs and SOLs Present + Jessie's Training Partner Won at the Age of 7, Became Head of Protector Dept
End-Time Ritual, Prophecies for the Anti-Christ, Books Made from Human Skin and Linked to Blood of the Mothers of Darkness + Ritual Prep Left Unfinished Due to Supernatural Intervention + A Horrible Vision + Actual Ritual on April 24, 2020 Also Incomplete
Comments on Trump-Biden Debate, Trump's Answers About What He Had Achieved, The Stimulus Package + Trump Bailed the People Out Not the Banks, He Took Money from the Illuminati
Spiritual Sword, Warrior of God Chosen to Fight the System + Training Partner Retrieved His Own Item, Represented Illusions in Magick, Mothers Of Darkness Panicked, Satan Was Not Amused + First Miracle, Unseen