CBDC | Expiring Programmable Money? "If You Think That Is Just Going to Happen In China, No It's Coming to the United States. Read All About the Programmable Expiring Money Right On the Federal Reserve's Website." Clayton Morris
Agenda 2030 | Disease X & What Will Happen Next? | What Does the Bible Say Will Happen Next? Central Bank Digital Currencies, BRICSs, Agenda 2030, Digital IDs, the Mark of the Beast, King Charles & the Pope (Daniel 9:27, Revelation 13:16-18)
TRUMP MUST INVESTIGATE Maricopa County’s Election Crimes Because Arizona Legislature & US Senate REFUSE To Do Their Jobs But LOVE Violating Their Oaths! 130,000 MISSING Ballots, 47.4% Reject Rate, 20% Vote Centers Erased Results & MORE!