2 years agoDid the Adena Giants build the Serpent or Indian Mounds in Ohio ? #giants #giant #americanindianzacharydenman
1 year agoArchitecture of Tartaria uses Sound Waves to heal which is Cymatics #tartarianarchitecturezacharydenman
1 year agoViktor Schauberger & Edward Leedskalnin work was similar to the Technology from Great Tartariazacharydenman
1 year agoEdward Leedskalnin created Coral Castle with Acoustic Levitation from 1923 to 1951 #coralcastlezacharydenman
2 years agoIn Greek Mythology and Roman Mythology there were three kinds of Cyclopes #cyclops #giants #cyclopeszacharydenman
1 year agoThe Power Stations of Great Tartaria used Cymatics to attune to Christ Consciousness #tartaria #healzacharydenman
1 year agoFrom 1871 to 1910 around 13.8 million Eastern Europeans arrived in U.S. were some from Tartaria..?zacharydenman
2 years agoDid the Tartarian Giants find refuge in the Scandinavian Mountains after the Mud Flood #tartariazacharydenman
1 year agoWhat Actually Was Great Tartaria ? Why Was Tartaria Erased ? #tartaria #tartarian #tartary #tartarszacharydenman
1 year agoThe Metallic Flying Disk was invented and patented by Viktor Schauberger known as the Repulsin #ufozacharydenman
1 year agoViktor Schauberger spoke about his Occult Technology in Implosion Magazine 1958zacharydenman
1 year agoThe Scythians and Eastern Iranians became the Sarmatian Aryans #scythian #sarmatian #slavic #scythiazacharydenman
1 year agoCharles Hapgood visited the Acambaro Figures taking with him Erle Stanley Gardner #acambarofigureszacharydenman
2 years agoHopi Pueblo Indians use the word for Anu for Ant & the word Naki for Friends meaning #annunakizacharydenman
1 year agoWilhelm Reich Created The Orgone Energy Accumulator that Improved The Health Of The Body #orgonezacharydenman
1 year agoCymatic Temples in Great Tartaria Harmonised The Minds of Tartarians Through Rhythmic Sound Waveszacharydenman
1 year agoTartarians used semitones or the smallest intervals in a chromatic scale #frequency #cymaticszacharydenman