Elon Musk, Klaus Schwab & Yuval Noah Harari | Why Do Elon Musk & Klaus Schwab Agree On Merging Man With Artificial Intelligence, Universal Basic Income, & Imposing Carbon Taxes?
Artificial Wombs | "A Future Hitler Might Reengineer Our Bodies So That He Could Leave Permanent Marks On Future Generations. We Will See the Development of Artificial Wombs." - Yuval Noah Harari (5/17/23) + Dan 2:43
Elon Musk | "I'm Somewhat Encouraged By China's Willingness to Engage In AI (Artificial Intelligence) Regulation. I Did Point Out That If You Get Some Literal Super Intelligence It Might Be In Charge of China Instead of You." 6/13/2023
Elon Musk | Why Did Elon Musk Say? "We Can Do a Full Brain Machine Interface. Ultimately, to Achieve Sort of a Symbiosis With Artificial Intelligence." - Elon Musk (July 17th 2019)