Are You a Victim of Your Genetics or Can You Awaken Your BEST Genes? How to Identify and Detox Yourself From the Poisons in Food, Water, and Pharmaceuticals.
Who is RA/Marduk? Why is This NEVER Asked in Reference to RA's Law of One? As with The Bible, Use What Serves The Greater Good and Remain Conscious of Aspects of ANY Scriptures/Literature Designed to Have Individuals Forfeit Spiritual Sovereignty!
BREAKING: Q. EVERYTHING You Wanted to Know (and DIDN'T Want to Know/and Were Too Scared to Know/and Were Not Sovereign Enough to Want to Know/and Didn't Know Thyself Well Enough to Choose the REAL Red Pill) HERE in This Video + FAUX-Esotericism!
Ending a 30-Year Cycle of Rough Heavy Karma—Saturn in Pisces [Pre] the Upcoming Jupiter in Aries (Things are Likely to get Harder Just Before Getting Much Better!)