1. Elderly supporters walked the length of the mall to put flowers down at Buckingham Palace #london

    Elderly supporters walked the length of the mall to put flowers down at Buckingham Palace #london

  2. Police horse's and the kings guard pass each other #horseguardsparade

    Police horse's and the kings guard pass each other #horseguardsparade

  3. the Queen's Guard stands guard #windsorcastle

    the Queen's Guard stands guard #windsorcastle

  4. changing of the Guards blues and royals 16/10/22

    changing of the Guards blues and royals 16/10/22

  5. Windsor castle guard shouts at tourist too make way #windsorcastle

    Windsor castle guard shouts at tourist too make way #windsorcastle

  6. police horse acting strange #horseguardsparade

    police horse acting strange #horseguardsparade

  7. Police tri to take a bottle from drunk man #horseguardsparade

    Police tri to take a bottle from drunk man #horseguardsparade

  8. Windsor castle Guards has sliding moves #windsorcastle

    Windsor castle Guards has sliding moves #windsorcastle

  9. Jesus will return on a white horse 😲 😲 😲 #horseguardsparade

    Jesus will return on a white horse 😲 😲 😲 #horseguardsparade

  10. Horse has some thing to say #horseguardsparade

    Horse has some thing to say #horseguardsparade

  11. Horse farts in front of tourists #horseguardsparade

    Horse farts in front of tourists #horseguardsparade

  12. make way for the kings guard #horseguardsparade

    make way for the kings guard #horseguardsparade

  13. inspection foot shuffle 4 oclock #horseguardsparade

    inspection foot shuffle 4 oclock #horseguardsparade

  14. Old chap kisses the Horse #horseguardsparade

    Old chap kisses the Horse #horseguardsparade

  15. The Queen's Guard Shouts Get your hands off tourist pulls on Reins #horseguardsparade

    The Queen's Guard Shouts Get your hands off tourist pulls on Reins #horseguardsparade

  16. Make way for the kings guard #horseguardsparade

    Make way for the kings guard #horseguardsparade

  17. Horse brought back out for inspection #horseguardsparade

    Horse brought back out for inspection #horseguardsparade

  18. The kings guards lines the root royalty are coming South African state visit #buckinghampalace

    The kings guards lines the root royalty are coming South African state visit #buckinghampalace