CBDC | "If We Were to Pursue a CBDC It Would Be Identity Verified. It Would Not Be Anonymous." - Jerome Hayden "Jay" Powell (16th Chair of the Federal Reserve Since 2018)
Amanda Grace | A POWERFUL December 16th 2022 Prophecy for America + Why Did Gates, Hopkins and the WHO Just Simulate Another Pandemic? + "What Is CBDC Going to Look Like? It Will Be Implanted UNDER YOUR SKIN." - Professor Richard Werner
$80 Trillion | Is This How the CBDC Financial Reset Happens? | Why Is the Bank of International Settlements Warning About the Global Financial System Being Vulnerable to an $80 Trillion-Plus Problem In Foreign Currency Swaps?
**REPOSTED** FOC Show: Robin Bullock | End Times; It Will Be Implanted UNDER YOUR SKIN." - Professor Werner with Clay Clark; CBDC: The End of Freedom? The Mark of the Beast? | Economic Update; Kevin McCarthy and Trump Speaker of the House
CBDC | “CBDCs Are an Idea Whose Time Has Come. If They Are Done Right. CBDCs Could Form the Backbone of a Highly-Efficient Digital Payment System.” - Hyun Song Shin Economic Adviser and Head of Research Basel, Switzerland June 23, 2021