1. Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships | Joanne Davila | TEDxSBU

    Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships | Joanne Davila | TEDxSBU

  2. How to stop cheating yourself and selling out on your personal power | Christian de la Huerta

    How to stop cheating yourself and selling out on your personal power | Christian de la Huerta

  3. Self Knowledge versus Knowledge in 2022 by Lucas Mack

    Self Knowledge versus Knowledge in 2022 by Lucas Mack

  4. An Assessment of Feminism | Leonie Van der Merwe | TEDxUniversityofJohannesburg

    An Assessment of Feminism | Leonie Van der Merwe | TEDxUniversityofJohannesburg

  5. How Long It Takes To Change Your Life? | Nwal Hadaki | TEDxSafirSchool

    How Long It Takes To Change Your Life? | Nwal Hadaki | TEDxSafirSchool

  6. Try Again: The Media’s Portrayal of High School | Joe Annoura Reid Hornsby | TEDxClearLakeHighSchool

    Try Again: The Media’s Portrayal of High School | Joe Annoura Reid Hornsby | TEDxClearLakeHighSchool

  7. Fostering Youth Entrepreneurship for Climate Action | Naomi Ekpoki | TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh

    Fostering Youth Entrepreneurship for Climate Action | Naomi Ekpoki | TEDxUniversityofEdinburgh

  8. Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships

    Skills for Healthy Romantic Relationships

  9. Od kućnog varenja piva do pivovare i branda | Daniel Babić | TEDxNKPPBjelovar

    Od kućnog varenja piva do pivovare i branda | Daniel Babić | TEDxNKPPBjelovar

  10. Change in physics world | 王 爱焜 | TEDxYouth@ChengduShudeHighSchool

    Change in physics world | 王 爱焜 | TEDxYouth@ChengduShudeHighSchool

  11. What is an influencer? what are the obstacles they go through? | Avivan Yasin | TEDxNishtiman

    What is an influencer? what are the obstacles they go through? | Avivan Yasin | TEDxNishtiman

  12. Le pouvoir transformateur de la littérature | Leomaris Wunderwald | TEDxYouth@CHPR

    Le pouvoir transformateur de la littérature | Leomaris Wunderwald | TEDxYouth@CHPR

  13. How did I leave video games? Recalculating the route | Pedro Salum | TEDxYouth@CHPR

    How did I leave video games? Recalculating the route | Pedro Salum | TEDxYouth@CHPR

  14. Speak Up, Step Up, Take Action | Sophie Weenink | TEDxNelson

    Speak Up, Step Up, Take Action | Sophie Weenink | TEDxNelson

  15. Love in modern life - how we have the sustainable love | Đỗ Thảo Ly | TEDxBachKhoa

    Love in modern life - how we have the sustainable love | Đỗ Thảo Ly | TEDxBachKhoa

  16. Luci e ombre sulle possibilità di una sportiva | Irene Siragusa | TEDxCollediValdElsa

    Luci e ombre sulle possibilità di una sportiva | Irene Siragusa | TEDxCollediValdElsa

  17. Regenerative Systems: How we could redesign a thriving lasting economy | William Reynolds | TEDxDuke

    Regenerative Systems: How we could redesign a thriving lasting economy | William Reynolds | TEDxDuke

  18. The Value of taking Asymmetric bets in your Life | Rohit Tripathy | TEDxKankeSalon

    The Value of taking Asymmetric bets in your Life | Rohit Tripathy | TEDxKankeSalon

  19. Trucking Automation FAQ's with Wesley - How Do You Retain and Keep Drivers Happy?

    Trucking Automation FAQ's with Wesley - How Do You Retain and Keep Drivers Happy?

  20. Food for thought_ How your belly controls your brain _ Ruairi Robertson _ TEDxFulbrightSantaMonica

    Food for thought_ How your belly controls your brain _ Ruairi Robertson _ TEDxFulbrightSantaMonica

  21. Trucking Automation FAQ's with Wesley - How Does Driver Onboarding Work?

    Trucking Automation FAQ's with Wesley - How Does Driver Onboarding Work?
