3 years agoPepper Sprayed Australian Patriot says "Never ever quit, Never live by fear, Hold the line!"CrimeOfAllTime
1 year agoSunday March 26 Brantford Ontario Chemtrails Spray - killing The Cockroaches Slowlynonvaxer420
1 year agoWASP NEST ON MY DEER TOWER! THIS is why I got a CAB TRACTOR!Everything land, outdoors & property!
5 years agoParents speak out after kids pepper sprayed on playground at Steenland ElementaryWXYZVerified
3 years agoBill ‘Big Pharma’ Gates admits "Omicron is a better and more effective vaccine than any vaccine"SrikanthNews
3 months agoMesa police are actively investigating an incident where a man sprayed bug killerB-N-F-A-T-WVerified
1 year agoFrench Jewish woman whose house was sprayed with Jewish star graffiti crying “it isWar-in-IsraelVerified
1 year agoDuring the pandemic, Australians were beaten, sprayed, shot with rubber bullets, and arrestedRussia Ukraine UpdatesVerified