Frankenstein (1931 Full Original Movie) | Horror/Sci-Fi | Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, John Boles, Boris Karloff, Dwight Frye, Edward Van Sloan, Frederick Kerr. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
Frankenstein (1931 Full Original Movie) | Horror/Sci-Fi | Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, John Boles, Boris Karloff, Dwight Frye, Edward Van Sloan, Frederick Kerr. | #HappyHalloween 🎃
The Brain from Planet Arous (1957 Full Movie) [WIDESCREEN] | Sci-Fi/Horror | John Agar, Joyce Meadows, Robert Fuller. | Summary: Bad alien Gor takes over scientist Steve's (John Agar) brain; good alien Vol takes over Steve's dog's brain.
Metropolis (1927 Full Movie) [COLORIZED] | Silent Film/Sci-Fi/Thriller | Dir.: Fritz Lang; Cast: Brigitte Helm, Gustav Fröhlich, Alfred Abel. | NOTE: See Non-Colorized Version if This Modern Music Score is Offputting.
Revenge Of Frankenstein (1958 Full Movie) | Horror/Sci-Fi | Peter Cushing, Francis Matthews, Eunice Gayson, Michael Gwynn. | Summary: Baron Frankenstein joins forces with a small town German doctor in his latest and most terrifying experiment.