#32 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Boots On The Ground Update #3 + Legislators Have Done NOTHING For 2 Years To Fix Our Elections & Mark Finchem Has A Melt Down - Grift Much?
The HSBC Global Rothschild Empire Bank of Pirates SCANDAL - Tax Evasion, Money Laundering for the Mafia, Currency Manipulation & the Global Power Shift from Rothschild USA Corp. to Rothschild China
#27 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Representative Stahl Hamilton (D) Brings Forth A Motion To Censure Representative Liz Harris - WHY AREN'T THEY INVESTIGATING THE INFORMATION PRESENTED?
#45 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Election Watchdogs Discover $200 Million Money Laundering Scheme Using FAKE DONORS Called "SMURFS" - Money Mules - ROMAN BALMAKOV of EPOCH TIMES
#36 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Fraudulent Elections Allow Demons To Control Our Lives. How Banks Steal Your Money! South Park's Stan Gets A Reality Check