Aaron Russo 2007 - “NICK ROCKEFELLER SAID TO ME THE END GOAL IS TO GET EVERYONE CHIPPED” …..HAND RIFD MARK OF THE BEAST IMPLEMENTATION.🕎 Luke 20:25 “And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's”
LARGEST SUPERMARKET CHAIN TESCO IN THE UK BANS CASH TRANSACTIONS/PAYMENTS: MARK OF THE BEAST IMPLANT, SMALL AS A GRAIN OF RICE.. “to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:” 🕎Luke 20:25 “the things which be Caesar's”
MANDATORY RFID CHIP FOR ALL, CRUCIAL BIBLE PROPHECIES: THE WHEELCHAIR DISABLED, ARTIFICIAL LIMB AMPUTEE, THE FREE & BOND IN PRISON….Revelation 13;15-18🕎 Luke 20:25 “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's”
DOLL TEST - THE EFFECTS OF RACISM ON CHILDREN…BLACKS FULL OF SELF HATRED & THE CURSES! 🕎 Joel 2:27 “ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel & that I am the LORD your God, & none else: & my people shall never be ashamed.