Doctor Robert Malone | Robert Responds to Questions About Why He Invented the mRNA Vaccine Technology, His Connection with NIH ACTIV, etc. (Please Leave Your COMMENTS)
Yuval Noah Harari | "AI Is An Agent & It Can Invent New Ideas By Itself. For Instance Inventing This Lie to This Human On Task Rabbit. Nobody Explained to AI That This Will A Very Effective Lie." - 10/30/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "Maybe Most of the Financial Decisions Are Taken By AI Bankers. What Happens When AIs Start to Invent Financial Devices? You Apply Get a Loan, It's an AI Deciding Whether to Give You a Loan or Not."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Now There Is Something On Earth That Can Write Texts, That Can Generate Music, Can Even Invent New Religious Mythologies." - 12/6/2024 + "AI Can Event Write a New Bible." - 6/6/2023
COVID-19 Tests | "FAUCI Does Not Mind Going On Television and Lie Directly Into the Camera. With PCR If You Do It Well You Can Find Almost Anything In Anybody." - Karry Mullis (Inventor of the PCR Tests)