There's Only So Much You Can Learn in One Place. The More That I Wait The More Time That I Waste! Life's Gonna Drop You Down Like The Limbs Off a Tree. It Sways and it Swings UNTIL IT MAKES YOU SEE. —JUMP— | Madonna: Born 8/16/58 (Leo)
What REALLY Happened in 2015 and The 2016 Election! (Because He Was There) [Part 1 & 2] | Patrick Byrne on The Roseanne Barr Podcast [Part 2 Begins at 1:44:30]
Pendulums, Will There Be Cops in 5D?, Are You Changing the World —OR— Are You Shifting to a Preferred World/Reality?.. and Much More! | Channeled Answers for a Client
The Witches (1966 Full Movie) | Horror/Drama | Joan Fontaine, Kay Walsh, Alec McCowen, Ann Bell, Ingrid Boulting (Billed as Ingrid Brett). | #HappyHalloween