Zio Paperone e il segreto per diventare ricchi CARTONE ANIMATO DEL 1967 ENG subITA questo cartone spiega la storia della moneta,l'economia,il culto dei massoni e lo stile di vita dei ricchi:accumulo di denaro,avarizia e vita misera schifosa
Rene is back for a follow up and Kevin from episode #50 joins. Live 9/16 Adrenochrome/Pot Farms, Property lines, Mk Ultra, Masons, Mormons, Arkansas #298
Hunter Biden Prosecutors will Use Data from Laptop on Gun Trial - Joe Pags; College Employee & Students Caught Sending Drugs & Toxin to China - Gordon Chang | The Breanna Morello Show
Astronaut Gordon Cooper Said He Witnessed The Teleportation of a Dog - Restricted, Classified, Compartmentalized, & Fractionated - Except For the Dog Who Was Just Fractionated