9th Circle, Royals, Famous People like Christopher Lee & Jimmy Savile, Human Hunts, Jesuits, Homeless + Silence Breaks Forth Into Song (article series by Cathy Fox, links in the video description below), Certain Ritual
Pray for the Salvation of those Bound in the Deepest Darkness, including Those Who Were Born into the Luciferian Brotherhood. Nobody Wants to Go to Hell. We Shouldn't Wish That on Anyone
The Halloween Ritual with Kanye West, Marilyn Manson & Justin Bieber + Jessie Sent Kanye a Message About Getting Out of the System, She Received No Reply (Is Kanye Really Out?) + High Up in the System + The Use of Energy in Rituals
Oprah Worked with George Soros, Obama is Now in the Phoenix Position on the Satanic Council (Having Taken Over From Soros), Obama is the First from the Muslim Brotherhood (14th Bloodline of the Illuminati) to Occupy the Phoenix Position