Artificial Intelligence | "The New Technological Innovations Is Changing To a Large Extent Ourselves. It's WHO Is That Effected. If You Look At the Book of Professor Yuval Noah Harari Homo Deus, You See Brain Advancement." - Klaus Schwab
Yuval Noah Harari | A.I. Bible? Why Did WEF's Yuval Noah Harari Show Up As the Euphrates River Dried Up? (Revelation 16:12-13) | "Just Think About a Religion Whose Holy Book (Bible) Was Written By An A.I.?" - Yuval Harari
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Book (The Bible) Didn't Just Come from Heaven In It's Complete Form. A Text Which Claimed to Be Written By St. Paul, But Many Scholars Believe That It Wasn't Written By St. Paul (1st Timothy).
Klaus Schwab | “My Book (The Fourth Industrial Revolution) Was Considered SCIENCE FICTION, All of Those Technologies Have Become Reality." - Klaus Schwab (Author of The Great Reset Speaking At World Government Summit 2023)
Todd McMurtry | Defamation Law 101 | A New Book by One of the Nation's Top Defamation Lawyers | Understanding the Escalation of Defamation Litigation | Nick Sandman’s 5-Year Journey?