Peter Navarro | Peter Navarro and Steve Bannon on Decoupling from Communist China and Nailing the Debt Ceiling Negotiations + The Four Drivers of American Economic Growth
BRICS | "China & Russia Are Not Just Beginning the Development of Alternative Payment Methods. They Have Spent the Last Decade Designing & Working On It." - 8/8/24 + What Is BRICS? What Are CBDCs? What Is Dedollarization?
Mark of the Beast | Trump Arrest? Putin Arrest Warrant Issued? Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Leading the Largest Protests In Israel's History? Civil War In Israel? False Prophets? Why Is China Teaming Up With Russia? Why Is the Euphrates Drying Up?
End Times Or Best of Times? Persian Mystery: Israel, Iran, & the End Times! Is Biblical Prophecy of Gog & Magog Being Fulfilled?! (Ezekiel 38) + Revelation 16-12-14 Euphrates Dies Up, China & Russia Team Up, False Prophet Shows Up
Trump VP Candidates | Who Is Doug Burgum? North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum’s History of Selling Out to China, Selling Out to Bill Gates, Supporting Transgenderism, Anti-Trump Statements + Who Is Vivek Ramaswamy?
China | On September 25th 2024, Chinese Military Fires Intercontinental Ballistic Missile + Why Are Americans Working With Chinese Researchers On Strategic Technology Research With Military Applications?
Gold | "Central Bank Net Demand Totalled 290 Tons In Q1. That's the Strongest Start to Any Year On Record. China, Turkey & India Leading the Way." - Kitco (5/1/24) + "Russia New Currency to Be Gold Backed." - Bannon