2 years ago(60) 1997 International 3800 T444E bus route (part 3 - YESTERDAY'S EXTENDED CUT)MrTurbodiesel/RootDiesel, Inc.
2 years ago(59) 1997 International 3800 T444E bus route (part 2 - CONTINUED)MrTurbodiesel/RootDiesel, Inc.
2 years ago(25) UPS Truck diesel (Ver. 1) (part 3; Me filming the delivery & the drive)MrTurbodiesel/RootDiesel, Inc.
3 years agoFar-UVC Light Excimer Disinfection/Sanitation Fixture - KILLS 99.9% of VirusesLarson Electronics - American Made and Manufactured Industrial Lighting and UVC Products
2 years ago(145) 2000 Ford Excursion XLT w/7.3 Powerstroke diesel test drive videoMrTurbodiesel/RootDiesel, Inc.