Lawyer representing hundreds of Canadian Armed Forces members testified about the COVID-19 "vaccine" mandate, stating 'leadership decimated the armed forces' and that doctors were prevented from reporting COVID-19 Bioweapon injuries.
Canadian Police, Vancouver Police to be exact, now beating to death, unarmed and peaceful civilians that they claim to be dissidents. This is criminal, unacceptable. This actions must be punished severely.
You all declared with the utmost certainty that the jabs were safe and effective. You were wrong. You are not in a intellectually or morally superior position. It’s time for you all to take a seat.
Protect your children. Video of a new attack that took place in Bordeaux on June 19, during Martinique. The African attacker was arrested by the police. He is well known to the police.
New UK Show called ‘Naked Education’ celebrates adults getting naked in front of children. The show says it is for “body positivity,” and not normalising pedophilia, of course.
Over 5 years ago the people of Taiwan knew Trudeau was paid by China for access & who knows else what. This video was ignored then, but very relevant today. Be sure to read the subtitles.