Great Reset | "WHO Is Not Independent. WHO's Current Sugar Daddy Is Bill Gates. Who Has Made Billions Out of His Investment In the Same Vaccines That WHO Promotes. Bill Gates Bought Who. They Now Recommend His Products. It Is That Simple."
Klaus Schwab Says ‘Era of Shock Events’ Is Coming Ahead of 2024 ElectionMysterious Object Is Moving 1 Million Miles Per Hour Through Space Says NASA/Phil Donahue Pedophile Ring/Sale of church to Muslims no big deal – US Catholics //Scotland suspends
Tim Walz Ordered Police to Shoot People on Porches with Paint Balls During Covid/Studies Find Smartphones Cause Anxiety and Suicidal Thoughts in Teens/Kamala Harris Vows To ‘Decriminalize Pedophilia’ if She Wins Presidency/Israeli Singer Urges Netanya
Official Gov’t Docs Prove Brigitte Macron Is a Male Pedophile/ Pakistani National with Iranian Ties Charged with Murder-for-Hire in Foiled Assassination Plot Against President Trump/What a Nutcase! Radical Far-Left Wife of Tim Walz Admitted She Left the