Military Tribunals, The Lord Told Jessie that She Would Give Her Testimony, Then Jessie was Led to Federal Individuals Working with President Trump, She Gave Information to ICE about Tunnels & DUMBs + Jessie's Affidavits, Timothy Charles Holmseth
Introducing Jessie, Her Family, 14 Bloodlines of the Illuminati + This is Spiritual, It's Not Just a Religion but it's How the World is Governed, with Satan in Charge + Military Projects, Working with Spiritual Gates
Starlink, Quantum System, Elon Musk was one of Jessie's Group of 3 in the Looking Glass Project, Could Surprise People + Starlink Works Like Alexa, Emerald City + NESARA, GESARA, Heard It's Ready to Be Rolled Out
The Anti-Christ, Israel didn't Accept Jesus as their Messiah + Coming Deception, The Anti-Christ will be Presented as Christ + The Temple, The A-C Has Already Been Given Power & Authority in the System + One World Religion, Government & Money