2 years ago1 CHRONICLES 29 | GIVING TO GOD | Sunday Worship Service | 10:30 AM 2022.11.06BIBLE TEACHING from Holland Davis
1 year agoROOTED YOUTH | THE ROMANS ROAD | BOOK OF ROMANS | ROMANS 3 | 2023.07.06ROOTED YOUTH at Calvary Chapel San Clemente
2 years ago1 Chronicles 21-24 | THROUGH THE BIBLE with Holland DavisBIBLE TEACHING from Holland Davis
2 years ago1 Chronicles 25-29 | THROUGH THE BIBLE with Holland DavisBIBLE TEACHING from Holland Davis
2 years ago1 CHRONICLES 1-6 | THROUGH THE BIBLE with Holland Davis | 2022.09.29BIBLE TEACHING from Holland Davis
2 years ago1 CHRONICLES 6-10 | THROUGH THE BIBLE with Holland Davis | 2022.10.06BIBLE TEACHING from Holland Davis
2 years ago2 KINGS 10-12 | THROUGH THE BIBLE with Holland Davis | 2022.08.18BIBLE TEACHING from Holland Davis
2 years agoTHE PROMISES OF GOD | THE ROAD TO BABYLON | Sunday Worship Service | 10:30 AM | 2022.08.21BIBLE TEACHING from Holland Davis
2 years ago2 CHRONICLES 5-7 | THROUGH THE BIBLE with Holland Davis | 2022.11.17BIBLE TEACHING from Holland Davis
2 years ago2 Chronicles 16-18 | THROUGH THE BIBLE with Holland DavisBIBLE TEACHING from Holland Davis
2 years ago1 CHRONICLES 4:9-10 | THE PRAYER OF JABEZ |10:30 AM | 2022.10.02BIBLE TEACHING from Holland Davis
2 years ago1Chronicles 17:11-14 | THE KINGDOM OF GOD | 10:30 AM 2022.10.23BIBLE TEACHING from Holland Davis