Tattoos, Masonic and Satanic Symbolism + Marilyn Manson Has Somehow Stayed Completely Silent on His Supposed Deliverance + Ye, Variant of Ja, Representation of God + Final Song on Kanye's Album Happens to Be Called Sunshine, Jessie's Ritual Name
Palo Mayombe, A Direct Line to the Devil, Sacrifice of Animals, Drinking of Blood + A Ceremony Involving 17 Men, John Was the Only One Left Standing at the End
Biblical, Reveal Report Event in Louisiana, Anointing Tour + The Worst of the Worst Have Been Saved in the Past, It Can Happen Again + Websites, Prayer
Oprah Worked with George Soros, Obama is Now in the Phoenix Position on the Satanic Council (Having Taken Over From Soros), Obama is the First from the Muslim Brotherhood (14th Bloodline of the Illuminati) to Occupy the Phoenix Position
Generational Curses, Fairly Easy Problem to Solve: Pray, Confess Sins (Personally and/or Generationally) and Ask to be Cleansed + Baphomet Hand Sign, As Above So Below
Austin Steinbart + Q, Long-Term Military Operation + Jessie Emailed Alex Jones, He Was Arrested the Next Day and Then There Was Zero Follow-Up From Alex Jones & Infowars (Controlled Opposition, Obviously)