3 years agoEpisode 215: Enhancing The Healing Benefits Of Cannabis With PrayerCannabis Health Radio Podcast
9 months agoTalking About Terpenes Specifically Myrcene & Misconceptions Around Its Presence in CannabistErPwErKz710
1 year ago95% of supplements should be THROWN AWAY, containing synthetics, isolates, wrong form/source/type...drtimharrigan
9 months agoExploring Medical Cannabis talk at Wacky Woods Gamtoos River 28 April 2024Q & A with Sista Vee
6 months agoSleeping better, refreshed in the mornings, better energy, waking up less at night!drtimharrigan
6 months agoEasily handling full time work and school at the same time, better sleep, better mental clarity!drtimharrigan
1 year agoGet moving! Take away the screens! No it's not easy, but it is necessary! Why kids need to EXERCISEdrtimharrigan
1 year agoTestimony: PAIN FREE and get to keep my gallbladder thanks to Dr. Tim Harrigan at Synergy Wellness!drtimharrigan