CBDCs | "Once the Central Bank Digital Currencies Link to All of Your Credit Cards & Bank Accounts, Then Social Controls Can Be Implemented. t Is Literally A Prison Planet." Ed Dowd (Former Blackrock Portfolio Manager) + BRICS & CBDCs Ex
SkyNet | Why Did China Actually Called It's Near Omnipresent Surveillance System SkyNet? How Does the Chinese Social Credit Score System Work? Is the Programmable Central Bank Digital Currency System Headed to America?
CBDC | "Will BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Back Their New CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) Reserve Currency to GOLD? + "It's the End of the U.S. Dollar System. The End Is Near for the Dollar." - Rob Kiyosaki
CBDC | "Attention Americans, Your Money, Your Privacy, Your Future All At Risk With Central Bank Digital Currencies or CBDC." - Colonel Douglas Macgregor + "SWIFT Announced They Are Setting Up a CBDC Platform In 12-24 Months."
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "The BRICS Nations Are Working Overtime to Create a Brand New Currency of Their Own That Will Be Pegged to Physical Assets Such As GOLD." - EPOCH TIMES (April 6th 2023)
Brianna Ladapo | Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo's Wife Brianna Ladapo Shares About How She & Her Husband Saw Through the Deception of COVID-19 + Are Central Bank Digital Currencies Already HERE?!
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "At Least 22 Countries Including Saudi Arabia & Iran Have Formally Asked to Join the BRICS Block." - eNCA (South Africa's Top Ranked TV News Channel - August 15th 2023)