1 year agoMar 6, 2024-Watchman News-Isaiah 25:1 - US could ban oil sales to China, BRICS Blockchain Sys + Moretrevisdampierministries
6 months agoSept 9, 2024-Watchman News-Tit 2:2-Maine Health State of EMERG, Ukraine deploys Dragon Drones + Moretrevisdampierministries
1 month agoFeb 5, 2025-Watchman News-Psalm 33:4-5-Behemoth to be released, Next Phase of War is upon us + More!Liveactioneating
1 month agoFeb 20, 2025-Watchman News-Prov 17:9-"john the Catholic" has paved the way, Nuclear ignition + More!Liveactioneating
3 months agoDec 19, 2024-Watchman News-Luke 1:76-78 - Solar Grid Down Event, US 1st Severe Bird Flu Case + More!trevisdampierministries
2 months agoDec 27, 2024-Watchman News-Psalm 103:1-2-Hanukkah Harpazo, Russia to target Decision-Centers + More!trevisdampierministries
9 months agoJune 17, 2024-Watchman News-Psalm 68:4-5 -Montana Hoar Frost, Russia trains China for Taiwan + More!trevisdampierministries
3 months agoDec 16, 2024 - Watchman News - Luke 1:46-47 - Great Delusion News, US + UK strike Yemen and More!trevisdampierministries
9 months agoJune 15, 2024-Watchman News-Prov 23:24-Russia's Final Peace Warning, Economic System Collapse + Moretrevisdampierministries
19 days agoMar 7, 2025-Watchman News-Psalm 139:23-24-savior of Europe rises, Person to Person Confirmed + More!Liveactioneating
17 days agoMar 9, 2025-Watchman News-2 Tim 1:9 - Isolation of the Trees, The Replicated Sting that kills + MoreLiveactioneating
9 months agoJune 3, 2024-Watchman News-Prov 15:1-Beijing to forcefully stop Taiwan, Fauci confesses lies + More!trevisdampierministries
5 months agoOct 7, 2024-Watchman News-Psalm 63:1-Hong Kong NWO Surveillance, Belarus Nuke Strike Warning + More!trevisdampierministries
5 months agoOct 25, 2024-Watchman News-Eph 5:19-20-Dengue increaae in Ca, Russia to seize Western assets + More!trevisdampierministries
2 months agoJan 1, 2025-Watchman News-2 Cor 5:17-Cascadia Volcano Warning, NATO Middle East strikes Syria + Moretrevisdampierministries
1 month agoFeb 20, 2025-Watchman News-Prov 17:9-"john the Catholic" has paved the way, Nuclear ignition + More!trevisdampierministries
4 months agoOct 30, 2024-Watchman News- Eph 2:8-9 - Lassa fever in Iowa, Putin launches nuclear exercise + More!trevisdampierministries
3 months agoDec 13, 2024-Watchman News- Matt 2:4-6 - Israel to strike Iran, Tidal wave of winter viruses + More!trevisdampierministries
1 month agoFeb 11, 2025-Watchman News-1 Cor 13:4-5-US-Russia relations Rupture, Earthquake rocks Area 51 + MoreLiveactioneating
1 month agoFeb 8, 2025 - Watchman News - Matt 5:43-45 - Plane crashes ramp up, Trump to sanction Russia + More!Liveactioneating
11 months agoApril 22, 2024-Watchman News-Romans 1:20-Red Heifer Update, Bird Flu cow-to-cow transmission + More!trevisdampierministries
5 months agoOct 11, 2024-Watchman News-Psalm 62:1-N. Korea Soldiers in Ukraine, Massive Wyoming wildfire + More!trevisdampierministries
1 month agoFeb 21, 2025-Watchman News-Rom 13:9-10-Large Scale Announcement Coming, Civil WarApproaching + More!trevisdampierministries
1 month agoFeb 21, 2025-Watchman News-Rom 13:9-10-Large Scale Announcement Coming, Civil WarApproaching + More!Liveactioneating