1 year agoLargest Vaccine Study Ever Reveals What the "Conspiracy Theorists" Said All AlongVigilant News NetworkVerified
5 months agoFUTURE ZOMBIES. RUDOLF STEINER 1923 Prophecy: A Vaccine to sever the Spiritual Connection in MankindBiological Medicine
6 months agoThe Actual Patent for the Sun Sumulator. #signsinsunmoonstars #RFBRichieFromBostonVerified
5 months agoAll Countries are coincedentaly Ignoring/arresting citizens while Migrants are beyond reproach!RichieFromBostonVerified
3 years agoLIBERTY DISPATCH- Vaccine Passports, AstraZeneca, and Canadian Doctors Speak Out AgainLibertyCoalitionCanadaVerified
2 years agoÉdition spéciale du Steyn Show concernant les dommages dévastateurs causés par les "vaccins" COVIDbellavida2
6 months agoLOCKDOWNS are emmeninent, Even the BANKS are telling customers to buy GOLD!!RichieFromBostonVerified
2 years agoKristen took a COVID JAB Bioweapon and soon after had severe convulsions, facial numbness, inability to control her head. She goes to hospital and doctors ask her to leave because there’s nothing they can dononvaxer420