1. The last days. THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM. The Great Tribulation SOON BEGINS. Are You Ready?

    The last days. THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM. The Great Tribulation SOON BEGINS. Are You Ready?

  2. Is the world ran by Fallen-Angel Human-Hybrid Reptilian Lizard Beings IN DISGUISE? (the fallen ones)

    Is the world ran by Fallen-Angel Human-Hybrid Reptilian Lizard Beings IN DISGUISE? (the fallen ones)

  3. Beware OF Astrology (FALLEN ANGEL TAUGHT DOCTRINES) - 1 Enoch 8:3 - Danger Danger Danger.

    Beware OF Astrology (FALLEN ANGEL TAUGHT DOCTRINES) - 1 Enoch 8:3 - Danger Danger Danger.

  4. Senator In Turkey exposes Geological Earthquake Weapons (HAARP) and Satanic Freemasonry Elite N.W.O.

    Senator In Turkey exposes Geological Earthquake Weapons (HAARP) and Satanic Freemasonry Elite N.W.O.

  5. McDonalds (satanic) French Fries EXPOSED! It's not food, it's weaponized non-food to take you out!

    McDonalds (satanic) French Fries EXPOSED! It's not food, it's weaponized non-food to take you out!

  6. Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom

    Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom

  7. The Bad News Of Jesus Christ (it does not benefit all people, only a few. it is up to you.)

    The Bad News Of Jesus Christ (it does not benefit all people, only a few. it is up to you.)

  8. Almost Everyone IS GOING TO BURN IN THE LAKE OF FIRE Damnation for Haters OF God

    Almost Everyone IS GOING TO BURN IN THE LAKE OF FIRE Damnation for Haters OF God

  9. The Satanic Christian Elephant in the room (ALL THE LAWLESS & UNSTUDIOUS FAKE CHRISTIANS EXPOSED)

    The Satanic Christian Elephant in the room (ALL THE LAWLESS & UNSTUDIOUS FAKE CHRISTIANS EXPOSED)

  10. I FOUND A NEW PRECEPT IT'S BIG The Souls Of Men are being sold by churches to Satan Literally!

    I FOUND A NEW PRECEPT IT'S BIG The Souls Of Men are being sold by churches to Satan Literally!

  11. Time is speeding up and THE VEIL is seemingly being removed. (WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON)

    Time is speeding up and THE VEIL is seemingly being removed. (WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON)

  12. HOW THE ANCIENTS VIEWED GOD, And His People + THE JUDGEMENT OF GOD are you ready LOL Psalms 2;4

    HOW THE ANCIENTS VIEWED GOD, And His People + THE JUDGEMENT OF GOD are you ready LOL Psalms 2;4

  13. This world is darkness - Job 9:24 - Satan is unholy not holy (COME OUT OF HER!) THE GLOBAL BABBLE ON

    This world is darkness - Job 9:24 - Satan is unholy not holy (COME OUT OF HER!) THE GLOBAL BABBLE ON

  14. Justin Martyr, Second Statement (WORDS OF AN ACTUAL CHRISTIAN LIVING IN 100-160AD) PUTS YOU TO SHAME

    Justin Martyr, Second Statement (WORDS OF AN ACTUAL CHRISTIAN LIVING IN 100-160AD) PUTS YOU TO SHAME

  15. IT WILL NOT SAVE YOU Knowing about Freemasonry / Illuminati / Agenda 21 - that's not Christ's Gospel

    IT WILL NOT SAVE YOU Knowing about Freemasonry / Illuminati / Agenda 21 - that's not Christ's Gospel
