This is Most of Your Guys' Issue: BALANCING Refraining From Denial and The Peaceful Oneness with God-Source as a Positive Lifestyle! BALANCE, or You'll Experience Yourself AND OTHERS in Victimhood. | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.
The God of the Bible.. is Satan. | Billy Carson’s METICULOUS Breakdown. This #ZenMaster Wants All the Christians Here for This Video.. so He can Take Them to School 😂 Just for Today, I Agree—DON’T COME HERE OTHERWISE.
“Armageddon”: The Final Battle — How Will You Create it? The Illuminati Conditioned You with [“God” is Coming to Save You] so That You Forfeit Your Physical AND Spiritual Sovereignty, and You Have, But the Outcome is Yours. | Gregg Braden
Law of Attraction PARADOX: When You Release the Desire You Release RESISTANCE—When You Release the Desire IT COMES TO YOU! And Madonna on ‘God’: When the Bitch is Right, She’s Right.. That’s All! + Autopilot Minds NOT WELCOMED! Here’s Why…
—5 SIGNS— The Universe is TESTING You Before Your Manifestation Arrives! (It’s Really You + Your Higher-Self Which Altogether are Actually Just YOU. The Universe/Source/“God” Does Not Test nor Judge, But YOU Often Will Test for This Purpose).