Aliens & UFO's + Angels, Humans, and Demons; Enoch and Tarot! (8/13/23) — More for the Spiritual Than for the Only-Just-Awakening Lower Vibrational [SJW "Truther" (A Lower-Level Phase of the Awakening Process)]. | Michael Mirdad
One-World-Religion NOW Being Prepared! + Quantum Timelines (Personal and/or Individual, Collective, and the Merging of Timelines), Human Origins, and “Armageddon” (The Final Battle). | Gregg Braden
Planet Serpo: Inside the ZETA RETICULI Exchange Program (with a Re-Enactment Inserted) — One of the Most Revealing Videos! | “Open Minds” with Regina Meredith
A Storm Like You've Never Seen Coming in the Next Weeks and Months! Take Your "I Love Trump Glasses" or Your "I Hate Trump Glasses" Off and Be Objective in Order to Handle REALITY Properly. —Jean Nolan, “Inspired”.
The 9D Pleiadians on 9/11 and the Illuminati, Stargates, The Great Pyramid, The Descending Lyrans and Other Descending Beings, and More! | Wendy Kennedy on the E.D. Podcast [Interviews with E.D. (Extra Dimensionals)]
Abraham Hicks Channels UNDER ATTACK + How Abraham Changed Our Lives! | A Jean Nolan/INSPIRED Interview with the Creators of the Animated Abraham Channel!
Mass Extinction? — Jean Nolan, “Inspired”. | WE in 5D: You're Likely to Find This Morbid, But I See Those Who Will Carry On into the 5D by Building a Gorgeous World as They Desire to See and Experience it!
Exposing the Deep Underground American Military Base in Dulce, NM with Grey Alien Workers. — Phil Schneider’s Infamous Whistleblowing Event Seminar! | Circa 1995 #Vintage #Legendary #RealDealBeforeQtales