Mel K | The Great Reset | Is 90% of the Mainstream Media Controlled by Blackrock and Vanguard? | Did Biden Just Agree to Split Israel? | Who Is Larry Fink? Is the Social Credit Score System Here?
One World Government | Brazil's President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva | "What's Why Brazil Has Been Investing In the New Global Governance." + "Ideally the Response to COVID Should Be the Establishment of a Global Healthcare System
BRICS | "13 New Nations Have Been Accepted As Official Partner States of BRICS." - Petrova CPA + "(Losing Dollar As World's Reserve Currency Status) It's Worse Than Losing Any War." - Trump + Will Gold Hit $27,000 Per Ounce
Emerging Technologies Towards IoNT and 6G's Biological Layer ~ A Biologically Inspired and Protein-Based Bio-Cyber Interface for the Internet of Bio-Nano Things
Sen. Gillibrand Questions During Intelligence Committee Hearing 2023 - Admission of Bio-convergence UN/WHO "ONE HEALTH" 2030 from the US gov. Intelligence Community
A Clear Mesage To The Ones Too BUTT HURT To eknowledge Or Tell The Truth About, WBAN, Molecular Communication & 6G ITU J-FET, IEC, ISO, Biodigital Convergence Standards & Policy!
Yuval Noah Harari | "With New Generation of AI's They Can Create Intimacy. They Can Hold Conversations With Us, They Can Pretend to Be Humans. This Can Create a Totalitarian System That Even Orwell Couldn't Imagine."