3 years agoLive Peacefully, Make peace with your soul, Positive healing EnergyFortuneCookieMeditation
4 years agoBlessed are those who know who they are and can control it - they are masters of the kingdom withinUnlicensedThinker
4 years agoAdversity and trauma can make us stronger or more afraid – be prepared - PTSD or PTGUnlicensedThinker
4 years agoThe Bodhisattva is not being forced to end suffering by some enlightened authoritarian 👀🤣UnlicensedThinker
4 years agoFrom 1 thing you can know 10,000 things, this expands your world and happiness 🌌 (Go Rin No Sho)UnlicensedThinker
4 years agoYou are missing the compliment contrast is giving you - This is the contrast Abraham Hicks speaks ofUnlicensedThinker
4 years ago“Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.” – Marcus AureliusUnlicensedThinker