Quantum Financial System, Positive and Negative + Everything in Creation is The Lord's, Storehouses, Abundance, The Enemy Has Stolen it, Priests are Meant to Distribute it + Scriptures, Past, Present & Future, Israel Came Out of Bondage, Egypt
Hierarchy and "Expendable" Children, Profiting From "Expendables" + Jessie's Training, Michael Karock, John Brennan, Laurie Cabot Kent, Adrenochrome and Spiritual Gates + End-Time Events
Adrenochrome, Two Uses, For Spiritual Acuity and For Psychosis in Rituals + Sickness Afterwards + Witch Battles, People in the System Want More Power, They Want to Take it From You
Timothy Charles Holmseth Video, Children Rescued, Held at Military Bases + Trump Updates, April-May 2020, Ventilators, 1.75 Million Children Worldwide + Pray, Rights and Authority, Communities
Children Are Bred Underground for Consumption, Meat For Cannibalism + Child Trafficking, Child Protective Services (CPS), Foster Care System, Mothers Know Where Their Children Are But Can't Get To Them
Old System, Goes All the Way Back to Land of Canaan + Child Trafficking, Tunnel Systems Built by the Knights Templar, Above Ground Indicators + Information on Who's Trafficking in Your Area