After Destroying countless lives. Street Preachers Warn & Rebuke antichrist preacher Mike Murdock to Repent. But he only hardens his heart. Great majority of these pimps will perish (mirrored)
Video of rich thief/antichrist preacher Creflo Dollar says JESUS (YAHUSHUA in Hebrew) OF THE BIBLE was not GOD ALMIGHTY and we are fantasy preachers that say HE Is! (mirrored)
GREAT FALSE WONDERS! Fallen angels take control of false preachers Ken Copeland (reptilian) & Rodney Howard Browne give false prophecies/total chaos. Masses to a dark jesus far from YAH (mirrored)
Preachers Gone MAD! They're antichrists-Jesse Duplantis says JESUS has not come back cause people are not giving enough Money. Pathetic pimps lead masses to a dark jesus/Protect home reject this spell
antichrist Preacher Rod Parsley demonstrates strangefire! False Claims! He mocks YAH GOD, knows HIM not! Leads masses to a fake dark jesus, not JESUS (YAHUSHUA) of the BIBLE (mirrored)
H.T.A:IGBOS ARE ISRAELITES (HEBREW WOMEN ARE LIVELY).....CONFUSION OF FACES ISRAELITE FOREIGNERS!🕎Deuteronomy 30:1 “And it shall come to pass, when all these things are come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee,
BLACK & BLACK LATINO WOMEN DAUGHTERS OF ZION. 🕎Isaiah 32;9-12 Tremble, ye women that are at ease; be troubled, ye careless ones: strip you and make you bare, and gird sackcloth upon your loins.”
ESAU A WHITE WOMAN TELLS THE WHOLE TRUTH THAT YOU ISRAELITES SO CALLED BLACKS ARE GOD CHOSEN PEOPLE.🕎 Ezekiel 39,23-29 And the heathen shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity: because they trespassed against me,
Demons of false prophecy going WILD! Cerullo/Evangelical Pimps choose Hell. YAH Says few repent. WARN ONLINE false prophets especially many silly lost women, copy & mock Prophetic Ministries like ours
Kenneth & Gloria Copeland/Paul & Jan Crouch antichrist shepherds "Say/Believe they're GOD!" Most will never see Heaven, are reprobates (see YAHS Prophecy 92 in Description) mirrored
false shepherd Bishop TD Jakes says LGBT Community should have their own Church of YAHUVEH GOD. YAH SAYS these pimps will "lead people to the false Christ, the only begotten son of satan." (mirrored)