1. Why do they call America "Big Satan" and Israel the "Little Satan"?

    Why do they call America "Big Satan" and Israel the "Little Satan"?

  2. Were the Oct 7th "Hamas Attacks" orchestrated by Israel?

    Were the Oct 7th "Hamas Attacks" orchestrated by Israel?

  3. Why did Israel eliminate two "journalists"?

    Why did Israel eliminate two "journalists"?

  4. Why did Hamas attack Israel, and what happens next?

    Why did Hamas attack Israel, and what happens next?

  5. Why are Hamas fighters in Civilian clothes.

    Why are Hamas fighters in Civilian clothes.

  6. Biden: Hamas Attacked Israel Because I Was Very Close To Bringing Peace To The Region

    Biden: Hamas Attacked Israel Because I Was Very Close To Bringing Peace To The Region

  7. Why do you hide your face while protesting? Are you that embarrassed in what you stand for?

    Why do you hide your face while protesting? Are you that embarrassed in what you stand for?

  8. Why is Hamas fighting in civilian clothes and sneakers?

    Why is Hamas fighting in civilian clothes and sneakers?

  9. Biden: ‘I Cannot Prove What I’m About to Say,’ Hamas Attacked Israel Because I Was Bringing Peace

    Biden: ‘I Cannot Prove What I’m About to Say,’ Hamas Attacked Israel Because I Was Bringing Peace

  10. When, why and how did the "Humanitarian Crisis" start and who's fault is it?

    When, why and how did the "Humanitarian Crisis" start and who's fault is it?

  11. Why did Hamas attack Israel, and what happens next?

    Why did Hamas attack Israel, and what happens next?

  12. Why do Muslims care Only about "Palestinians" but not for other Arabs?

    Why do Muslims care Only about "Palestinians" but not for other Arabs?

  13. Anderson Cooper Did Segment On 'Right Wing Media Selectively Editing Videos'… Like He Has Done

    Anderson Cooper Did Segment On 'Right Wing Media Selectively Editing Videos'… Like He Has Done

  14. Why does the UN say nothing about the Hamas Terrorists taking over the Humanitarian Aid trucks?

    Why does the UN say nothing about the Hamas Terrorists taking over the Humanitarian Aid trucks?

  15. Why does Hamas seem to be unconcerned about running out of ammos and supplies?

    Why does Hamas seem to be unconcerned about running out of ammos and supplies?

  16. A Lebanese Muslim Woman who converted to Judaism tells you why

    A Lebanese Muslim Woman who converted to Judaism tells you why

  17. No one in the US is talking about the American Hostages. Why is that?

    No one in the US is talking about the American Hostages. Why is that?

  18. Why did the Arabs started hating Jews after 1948? Wait, sure it was 1948?

    Why did the Arabs started hating Jews after 1948? Wait, sure it was 1948?

  19. If we're all on the same side? Why does it feel like both US and UK keep fighting Israel?

    If we're all on the same side? Why does it feel like both US and UK keep fighting Israel?
