10 months agoBees and the Magnetite/Graphene-Vaxxed Are Vulnerable to 5G/EMF Attack/Control by the NWO Cabal !!!Liberty TV
3 years agoRed Cross warns vaccines WIPE OUT antibodies and vaxxed can't donate plasmaBiological Medicine
5 months agoThey Don't Want You to Think Too Much and Find Out the Sun Is Local, Moon Is Plasma, Earth Is Flat..Liberty TV
2 months agoThe Catholic Church, Jesuits, Neo-Nazis & NASA Are Among the Groups Forming the Backbone of the NWOLiberty TV
6 months agoFlat-Earthers! This's Your Chance to Ask: Will Trump & RFK Stop the Globe-Earth Psyop & Fake Cosmos?Liberty TV
2 months agoMEDIA BLACKOUT: Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) for LNP/B- and EMR/F-Induced "Disease X" SymptomsLiberty TV
5 months agoA Whistleblower in the US Said 95+ Percent of All Alternative Media Are Cabal-Paid and Controlled !!Liberty TV
2 years agoHORROR: Embalmer Removes Weird Fibrous Clots from Young Vaxxed Victim. There are millions of them around youteddolbi
6 days agoThe Dangers of 2.4 Ghz 'Wi-Fi'and '3G' - '5G' 'Electromagnetic Radiation' | 'Dr. 'Dietrich Klinghardt'Biological Medicine
1 year ago74% 'COVID-19' "Vaccine Deaths Found In Autopsy Review" Dr. 'Naomi Wolf's & 'Dr. 'Peter McCullough'AndreCorbeilVerified
1 year ago"Comedian 'Rob Schneider' STAND-UP On 'Bill Gates' Depopulating The Earth"AndreCorbeilVerified
11 months agoWARNING: The NWO Cabal Has Cell Towers Ready for COVID-2X Plandemic, 5G/6G Democide or Disease "X"Liberty TV
5 months agoAsteroids, Solar Storm, Outer Space and Globe Earth Do Not Exist! Don't Be Duped by Cabal-Run NASA!Liberty TV
4 months ago"Eliminated" YAHYA SINWAR = JESUIT ORDER? They Keep You Distracted from Mother of All Conspiracies!Liberty TV
8 months agoAn Important Message for The People of All Countries | Watch and Investigate Before It Is Too Late !Liberty TV
7 months agoThe Dangers of 2.4 Ghz Wi-Fi and 3G-5G Electromagnetic Radiation | Dr. Dietrich KlinghardtLiberty TV
7 months agoPROOF the Moon Is Not in "Space": Clouds behind the Underformed Half Plasma Moon in the Day SkyLiberty TV
5 months agoDIRE WARNING! MAIN PLAN OF AGENDA 2030/21: Depopulate, Modify and Control the Human Race!Liberty TV