1 day agoTitanfall 2 Gameplay | Average Attrition Match | 15 Kills | 5 Titan Kills | 148 Points | ShortSharpShot23
2 months agoTitanfall 2 Some Alternator Action | 23 Kills | 6 Titan Kills | 203 Points | ShortSharpShot23
2 months agoTitanfall 2 Average Attrition Match | 19 Kills | 5 Titan Kills | 162 Points | ShortSharpShot23
2 months agoTitanfall 2 Slaying with the Alternator | 37 Kills | 3 Titan Kills | 244 Points | ShortSharpShot23
11 days agoTitanfall 2 Gameplay | Some L-Star Action | 28 Kills | 6 Titan Kills| 217 Points | ShortSharpShot23
2 months agoTitanfall 2 Some Alternator Action | 22 Kills | 7 Titan Kills | 204 Points | ShortSharpShot23
17 days agoTitanfall 2 Gameplay|Scorch and Monarch Combo|11 Titan Kills|6 Titan Deaths|92K Damage|ShortSharpShot23
23 days agoTitanfall 2 Gameplay | Average Attrition Match | 24 Kills | 2 Titan Deaths | 163 Points | ShortSharpShot23
2 months agoTitanfall 2 Average Attrition Match | 19 Kills | 7 Titan Kills | 174 Points | ShortSharpShot23
5 days agoTitanfall 2 Gameplay | Some Monarch Action | 8 Titan Kills | 2 Titan Deaths | 81K Damage | ShortSharpShot23
26 days agoTitanfall 2 Gameplay | Late Join | 17 Kills | 7 Titan Deaths | 184 Points | ShortSharpShot23
1 month agoTitanfall 2 Gameplay | Some Complex Gameplay | 27 Kills | 5 Titan Deaths | 223 Points | ShortSharpShot23