3 years agoTDW live class - Sneak Peek into the TDW masterclass entitled, "Second Chances" (Physical)TDW_thedancersworkout
3 years agoNovember's TDW Virtual Retreat with The Dancer's Workout® - TDW Studio Chat 148 with Jules and SaraTDW_thedancersworkout
3 years agoTDW live class - Sneak peek into the TDW masterclass entitled, "Butterfly Adventures" (Lightyears)TDW_thedancersworkout
3 years agoTDW live class - Sneak peek into the TDW masterclass entitled, "Second Chances" (Resentment)TDW_thedancersworkout
3 years agoOUR NEWEST TDW DANCERS ARE KILLING IT! - TDW Studio Chat 134 with Jules and SaraTDW_thedancersworkout
3 years agoSAY WHAT!? HOW MANY OUNCES ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DRINK EACH DAY?-TDW Studio Chat 105 with Jules andTDW_thedancersworkout
3 years agoHEAR ABOUT THE TDW TREASURE CHEST TUESDAY SURPRISE-TDW Studio Chat 99 with Jules and SaraTDW_thedancersworkout
4 years agoKICK OFF THE NEW YEAR DANCING! - TDW Studio Chat 77 with Jules and SaraTDW_thedancersworkout
3 years agoSARA SHARES DETAILS OF HER BIG TRIP - TDW Studio Chat 146 with Jules and SaraTDW_thedancersworkout
3 years agoHOW TO COMBAT THE DARKNESS – HACKS FOR THE FALL SEASON-TDW Studio Chat 145 with Jules and SaraTDW_thedancersworkout
4 years agoRSVP info for TDW members coming to Sara's Zoom birthday party and our TDW Fosse Friday!TDW_thedancersworkout
3 years agoWHAT'S UP WITH THE THEMES USED IN THE TDW VIRTUAL RETREAT? - TDW Studio Chat 103 with Jules and SaraTDW_thedancersworkout
4 years agoLap dance instructor collaborates with Jules to create fun choreography for adult TDW dancersTDW_thedancersworkout
3 years agoOur Sneaky Vacation Plans - Shhh! - TDW Studio Chat 124 with Jules and SaraTDW_thedancersworkout
3 years agoARTIE AND BAILEY ARE REALLY UPSET - FIND OUT WHY - TDW Studio Chat 110 with Jules and SaraTDW_thedancersworkout
3 years agoBranching out on MEDIUM.COM - Here's how to find us - TDW Studio Chat 136 with Jules and SaraTDW_thedancersworkout
4 years agoNew TDW masterclass choreography update and Fosse Friday/Sara Birthday Party Plans!TDW_thedancersworkout
4 years agoMore Live TDW Zoom classes are coming! Hear Jules and Sara talk about the newest TDW masterclass!TDW_thedancersworkout