Kash Patel Theme Song (FULL MIX) | Join Kash Patel, E. Trump, Gen Flynn, Nunes & Team America May 12 & 13 In Miami, FL (18 TIX Remain) + Friday Agenda Announced!!!
Re-upload: David Wilkerson's Shocking Message fulfilled, a sheep to sheep Dividing Sword. In Lev. 37:32 only every 10th Sheep, a red painted mark. YAHUSHUA Said Few Enter the Narrow Gate
Once Anointed Misty Edwards IHOP Worship Leader/Others abused by Mike Bickle fake jesus movement. He sex manipulated many slaughtered YAHS Sheep, another gospel not JESUS OF THE BIBLE! Pray for them
I was getting furious listening to this insane "Vaccine" song but then I realized that it's so bad that it will actually help the cause. #CovidCULT #Stupidity