11 months agoThe Ultimate Priority: Cultivating Your Relationship with God | #RelationshipWithGod #FaithJourneyDcrypTos
8 months agoFollowing the Law Produces Religion, Not Relationship #RelationshipWithGod #FaithOverLaw #ChristianDcrypTos
1 year agoPlayful Reflections | #KingsTV855 #relationshipwithgod #dream #christian #faith #howtoheargodIntimate Talking Relationship with God
6 months agoFind your strength in Jesus and focus on making your relationship with Him top priority.armedinfaith
1 year agoIt's Not Meant to be a Secret! God Wants to Speak to You. B2T Short.The Blessed2Teach Show!Verified
4 months agoTwo things are powerful: The Word of God, and a face-to-face relationship with God.craigshill
6 months agoYou need to do THESE 3 THINGS in order to fully take advantage of God’s covenant with you!craigshill