RESTRICT ACT | "Stalin Couldn't Follow Every Soviet Citizen 24 Hours A Day And Know What He Or She Is Thinking Or Feeling. But a 21st Century Stalin Will Be Able to Do It And We Already Have a Number of Candidates for the Job." - Yuval Noah
CBDC | "Do You Think That Legislatures In Your State Understand What This Bill Was Actually Designed to Do?" - Tucker Carlson "I Don't Know If They Read It." - South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem
Yuval Noah Harari | "Freedom Is Not Something You Have. If Go Around Thinking You Have Free-Will You Are the Easiest Person to Manipulate." - Yuval Noah Harari
Great Reset | "Authority & Power Will Shift from Humans to Computers. Most Humans Will Become Economically USELESS & Politically POWERLESS." - Yuval Noah Harari + "You'll Get Better Advice from Your Device Than Your Own Thought