5 days agoNEW: Mitch McConnell's Protégé Stabs Him In The Back, Embraces MAGA AgendaTrendingPoliticsVerified
2 years agoDr Arne Burkhardt Confirms Sperm Has Been Almost Entirely Replaced By Spike Proteins333 VISIONS
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4 days agoA stunning Yale study just found that spike proteins a mind-blowing 700+ days laterMJTruthVerified
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4 months agoDr. Arne Burkhardt: Sperm Is Replaced Completely By Spike Protein In “Vaccinated”RawHeadlineVerified
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1 year agoDr. McCullough: The Most Promising Substance Against Spike Proteins Is an Enzyme Called NattokinaseVigilant News NetworkVerified
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2 years agoHorrifying: The Shots May Be Altering Human DNA to Produce Spike Protein on a Long-Term BasisVigilant News NetworkVerified
6 months agoPantschenko: Die USA und ihr Protegé Selenskij wollen Putin zum atomaren Gegenschlag provozierenRT DEVerified
2 years agoDr. Robert Malone: Can Vaccinated People Infect Unvaccinated People With Dangerous Spike Proteins?Sunfellow On COVID-19
2 years agoJapanese Discovery Makes Promising Headway in Neutralizing Spike ProteinsVigilant News NetworkVerified
8 days agoI ricercatori di Yale hanno scoperto che alcuni soggetti sottoposti al vaccino anti-COVID mostrano segni di un sistema immunitario indebolito e continuano a produrre proteine spike anni dopo l'iniezioneFrancescoMarras
1 year ago'Enormously Promising' Japanese Substance Shows the Ability to Degrade the Harmful Spike ProteinVigilant News NetworkVerified
1 year agoDegrade Deadly Spike Proteins: Here’s How in 96 Seconds, Per Dr. Peter McCulloughVigilant News NetworkVerified
1 year agoProgramme du Pr. McCullough pour se débarrasser de la protéine de pointe (spike protein)bellavida2
1 year ago🎯💉 Dr. Robert Malone on Using Nattokinase To Dissolve/Remove Covid-19 Jab Spike ProteinsReal Truth Real NewsVerified
1 year agoSpike Protein Detox: Dr. Peter McCullough’s Treatment ProtocolVigilant News NetworkVerified