You can't make this shit up. This CBS fake news dude criticizes Trump's "unrealistic idea" of "no tax on tips," then praises Kamala's stolen "great idea" of "no tax on tips."
CNN fake news anchor lets Democrat Pelosi lie about Trump: "He's going to a bloodbath! He's praising Hitler! He says our soldiers are losers! He says what's wrong with Russia - they defeat Hitler!"
Kamala Harris who told pro-life students praising Jesus "You're at the wrong rally" has the nerve to lie that she's very much religious: "I do pray every day, sometimes twice a day! I was raised to believe in a loving God."
Biden praises Navalny for exposing Putin's corruption, yet he calls FBI whistleblower who's exposing Biden's corruption - a liar: "He is lying.. it's just been a, it's been an outrageous effort from the beginning."