6 months agoPavel Durov vylíčil Tuckeru Carlsonovi, jak americké orgány chtěly získat přístup k Telegramu!AENews
6 months agoOwner of Telegram Pavel Durov has been arrested. He had told Tucker about FBI infiltrating Telegram.Libertarian99
6 months agoTucker Carlson and RFK Jr. discuss the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel DurovRedpillUSAPatriotsVerified
6 months ago¿Quién es el fundador de Telegram Pável Dúrov, que fue arrestado en Francia?RT en EspañolVerified
6 months agoU.S. agencies tried to infiltrate Telegram to install backdoors, Pavel Durov said before his arrestRedpillUSAPatriotsVerified
6 months agoExvocero de Pável Dúrov: Es un misterio por qué hizo caso omiso a su seguridad y aterrizó en ParísRT en EspañolVerified
6 months agoWe care about freedom! We don't sell your personal data – Pavel Durov (ARCHIVE FOOTAGE)RTVerified
6 months agoVitalik Buterin Breaks Silence on Telegram's Pavel Durov Arrest & Toncoin Price DropThe Crypto Realm
10 months agoUS Cyber Security officers tried to hire my engineer behind my back - Pavel Durov to CarlsonRTVerified
6 months agoTucker Carlson | Pavel Durov: USG tried to hire our engineer to create back doorgalacticstorm
6 months ago•Tucker Carlson and Pavel Durov: The FBI WANTED Spying Powers Over TelegramQanon76Verified
6 months agoU.S. Agencies Tried to Infiltrate Telegram to Install Backdoors, Pavel Durov said Before his ArrestUSAFrontlineDoctors
6 months agoPavel Durov on US Intelligence Agencies' Attempt to Infiltrate TelegramTheLibertyDailyVerified