Biden Pandering Show: "I don't feel tired, I feel inspired!. I got involved in civil rights when I was 15.. When I was VP, things were kinda bad during the pandemic.. Erectionists!. they're trying to erase black history! Literally!"
Pandemic | Another Pandemic On Its Way from China? "Hospitals In China Are Once Again Overwhelmed. You Should Be Worried If You Have Young Unvaccinated Children At Home." - WION News (November 23rd 2023)
Great Reset | HAPPENING NOW! International Criminal Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin + China’s President Xi to Visit Vladimir Putin in Russia + Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Leading the Largest Protests In History of Israel
Great Reset | "Countries Will Begin Negotiations On a Zero Draft of a New Pandemic Accord, Grounded In International Law." - Tedros (Director general of the World Health Organization) + "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin."
Israel | Why Is Israel's President Warning of "Civil War" Amid Judicial Reform In Israel? Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Leading the Largest Protests In The History of Israel?
Cyber Pandemic | "Pay Sufficient Attention to the Frightening Scenario of a Comprehensive Cyber Attack. COVID-19 Crisis Would Be Seen As Small Disturbance In Comparison to a Major Cyber Attack." - Klaus Schwab 7/8/2020
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Think That Good Nationalists Should Also Be Globalists. If You Really Want to Take Care of the People In Your Nation You Should Cooperate w/ Other Nations. It's Like This In a Pandemic & When We Have to Deal w/ Climate