Even CNN Reports: Nikki Haley's New Hampshire Numbers are EMBARRASSING Even with Democrats and Independents Voting for Her, and Would Look Even More So if a New Hampshire had Traditional Primary Rules (Where You Only Vote Within Your Party).
Wall Street Uses Tarot Readers? Barrie Dolnick: “Billionaires Use Metaphysics, Millionaires Don’t! I Have a Gift in Prophecy, But it’s a 2-Way Street.. it’s Up to You.” | Nostradamus: “The Reasonable Learn From My Prophecies THE RIGHT PATH!”
CAPTURED BY A.I. — Even a 1959 Three Stooges Movie Tells You of the Dark Breakaway Secret Societies' Global Plans with A.I. | Full Movie Linked in the Description, But REMEMBER, it’s Still a Comedy! | #JustForFun #WhatAreTheIlluminatiTellingUs?
#WhiteHatsInControl!?!? What in the Actual F✰CK? They Cram This into EVERY Discussion! WHO HIRED HER for Space Force!? Why Can’t We Just Have a Grand Vision for Becoming a Member of the Interstellar Community without This Bullshit!
A.I. Can Make the Qanon PsyOp Even WORSE, if it’s Not Already Being Used by Any of the Goalpost-Moving Favorite Personalities! | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.
Spiritual Teachers Don’t Coddle and “Safe Space” You into Awakening, and They DO Have Requirements for Those Who are Serious and Deliberate About Their Spiritual Journey—as Opposed to the Normie Who Journeys Unknowingly with CRIPPLING Programming.
Not Only is He Speaking to the Middle Class, But He’s Speaking to the Extra-Conscious Souls That Many Feel Trump Has Traded in for Christian Conservative NPC’s. Anyway, Neither of These Men Have a Shot without the Independent Vote, and Each Other!
There are LITERALLY Countries Around the World Who Live Closer to the Vibration and Technology of Atlantis and Tartaria—The U.S. is Shamefully Not Even Close, and That is BY DESIGN. Not Only Since 2020 to Now, BUT FROM THE MILLISECOND THE U.S. WAS BORN.
Tucker: Donald Trump’s Life Could be in Imminent Danger. | WE in 5D: This is Not Speaking Tragedy into Existence; This is a Chance to Reroute Your Vibration to Manifest the Events You Want, NOT THE EVENTS THAT YOU'RE [NEEDY OF] AND LACKING.